Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Attitude, Western Proverb

From the same flower the bee extracts honey and the wasp gall.

- Western Proverb

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pueraria lobata

Pueraria lobata

Kudzu (/ˈkʊdzuː/; Pueraria lobata, and possibly other species in the genus Pueraria; see taxonomy section below), also called Japanese arrowroot, is a plant in the pea family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. It is a climbing, coiling, and trailing vine native to southern Japan and south east China. Its name comes from the Japanese name for the plant, kuzu (クズ or 葛), which was written "kudzu" in historical romanizations. Where it occurs as an invasive species, it is considered a noxious weed that climbs over trees or shrubs and grows so rapidly, it kills them by heavy shading. The plant is edible, but often sprayed with herbicides.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Sagacity, Western Proverb

It is not every flower that smells sweet.

- Western Proverb

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lycoris squamigera

Lycoris squamigera

Lycoris squamigera is believed to have originated in Japan or China, perhaps a hybrid between Lycoris straminea and Lycoris incarnata. It is a herbaceous plant with basal, simple leaves, which are not present when the flowers emerge from the crown. The leaves sprout and grow in the spring, then die back during June. Then in late July or early August the flowers appear. The flowers are white or pink and fragrant. The flowers spring dramatically from the ground in mid to late summer; it usually takes only four to five days from first emergence to full bloom. This suddenness is reflected in its common names: surprise lily, magic lily, and resurrection lily. It is also sometimes referred to as naked ladies. In Japanese it is called 狐のかみそり (kitsune no kamisori) which means fox's razor.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rose, German Proverb

No rose without a thorn.

- German Proverb